Daily Mail

Is it just ME?

Or is hugging utterly hideous?

- By Janet Street-Porter

ONE of the unexpected benefits of the pandemic has been social distancing. I am not a hugger, so being ordered to stay well away from other people was something I could willingly sign up to.

Which meant I was disappoint­ed when the two-metre rule was relaxed to one-and-a-half and then made optional, because that indicated the nation was back on the slippery slope of cuddling complete strangers.

Hugging is supposed to be good for us, say behavioura­l scientists who have studied its effect on our stress levels. After conducting studies with single and mixed sex participan­ts, experts reckon a ten-second hug gives more benefits than a five-second cuddle.

They’ve even prescribed regular hugs for elderly people to lower their depression. Can you believe

The habit arrived when us Brits became ‘in touch’ with our feelings a decade ago

that time and money (and brains) are being occupied with this stuff?

Surely a nice cup of tea and a chat would have the same effect.

A team from Oxford University claims that people being hugged said ‘it fulfilled a deep need’. Not as far as I’m concerned. I find the approach of a stranger with arms outstretch­ed intrusive and invasive.

If they encircle me with an unwanted embrace and, horror of horrors, slap a kiss on my cheek, I am incandesce­nt.

Naturally, I don’t let this show. I disentangl­e myself with a fixed smile, rush to the toilet or the safe space of my car, where I wipe down any flesh that’s been touched with sanitiser.

Hugging arrived when us Brits became ‘in touch’ with our feelings about a decade ago. Then Covid came along, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I cuddle those I love. But I draw the line at strangers and most workmates. Bring back social distancing this winter and I’ll be a happy bunny.

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