Daily Mail

Probed by Ofsted, the ‘wokest school in UK’

Inspectors go in amid fears £32k-a-year pupils ‘being brainwashe­d’

- By Guy Adams, Vanessa Allen and Eleanor Harding

INSPECTORS have been sent into Britain’s most expensive day school following complaints about a ‘woke’ agenda, it can be revealed today.

The two-day Ofsted inspection is under way at the American School in London (ASL) after parents complained to the Department for Education (DfE) about the school’s teaching of race relations.

Parents also raised their concerns with the £32,650-a-year school, saying their children were being ‘indoctrina­ted’ in the ‘controvers­ial and divisive’ ideology of critical race theory.

They said classes in every subject were taught ‘through a prism of race or gender’, involving the ideas of white and male privilege.

ASL, whose pupils are aged four to 18, has said it is ‘committed to building and sustaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive school community’.

The Daily Mail understand­s the DfE asked Ofsted to inspect the school, near Regent’s Park in central London, after parents raised concerns and following reports in this newspaper.

In the 19-page complaint submitted to the DfE, parents claimed the school’s teaching of race relations ‘has already become so extreme as to amount to a serious, systemic and ongoing breach of the Independen­t School Standards’. They claimed some teaching breached the Equality Act.

A Government source said: ‘Reports in the Mail about the school alarmed ministers and we are determined to get to the bottom of what was going on there.’

One ASL parent told the Mail: ‘The Ofsted investigat­ion has been welcomed by parents who are deeply concerned about the school’s “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion” programme, which many regard as teaching racial hatred and division.’

ASL’s headteache­r Robin Appleby – who introduced the new teaching agenda – resigned last month, saying she wanted to ‘focus on her own wellbeing’.

A spokesman for the school said: ‘We will be assisting Ofsted as they conduct what is a standard inspection of our school.’

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