Daily Mail

End of £4bn insurance loyalty rip-off

- By Victoria Bischoff Money Mail Editor

tHe insurance loyalty rip-off will finally be banned in the New Year under rules expected to save households £4.2billion over the next decade.

from January 1, insurers will be barred from charging long-standing car and home insurance customers more than new policyhold­ers. It is a major victory for Money Mail, which has long campaigned for a fairer deal for loyal customers.

But experts warned the move could have the unintended consequenc­e of pushing up premiums for those who regularly switch insurers for the best deal as the companies seek to protect their bottom line. for years, millions of customers have overpaid after firms automatica­lly ramped up their premiums at renewal – known as ‘price walking’.

the financial Conduct Authority said six million loyal policyhold­ers would have saved £1.2billion in 2018 if they had they paid the average price for their actual risk instead of being charged more. under its new rules, premiums could still rise if customers have made a claim or their circumstan­ces have changed.

But insurers will no longer be allowed to reserve discounts for newcomers while charging existing customers more. Instead, all people in the same risk bracket must be offered the same price.

Insurers must also make it easier for customers to opt out of auto-renewing their policies. the financial regulator estimates the changes will save households £4.2billion over the next ten years. the elderly and vulnerable, who are less likely to be online or shop around, are expected to make the biggest savings. But the fCA has warned that insurers could raise prices for all customers to cover their losses.

FOR years, the Mail has campaigned to end the contemptib­le practice of insurance companies ripping off loyal customers.

With breathtaki­ng cynicism, these firms have automatica­lly whacked up premiums for long-standing policyhold­ers so they can offer discounted deals to new ones.

This penalises clients who don’t shop around for better deals elsewhere – invariably the elderly and vulnerable.

So the Mail is proud to have scored a walloping victory for exploited consumers.

From Saturday, insurers will be banned from charging existing customers more than newcomers, saving them £4.2billion over ten years. At a time when living costs are rising steeply, this is excellent news.

However, companies must not push up all premiums to protect their bottom lines.

This paper has long kept a watchful eye on insurers’ shady tactics. Rest assured, we won’t stop now.

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