Daily Mail



1 JUST imagine you are a year into the future and have had one of the best years of your life. Asking yourself the following questions will help you do that:

■ WHAT has happened to your health, both mental and physical?

■ HOW are your relationsh­ips, personal and profession­al?

■ WHAT’S your career like? n hoW are your finances?

■ HOW happy are you feeling? n Which of your goals have you achieved?

2 NOW, create an ideal scene that represents all that you most want to happen in your positive future.

It can be realistic or symbolic. Some people see a picture of themselves in a particular setting, looking a certain way — other people go for something more symbolic, like picturing clinking champagne glasses, or a certificat­e of achievemen­t on the wall.

3 AS YOU create that image one year from now, make sure it is big, bright, bold and colourful, the size of a cinema screen. you’ll know you’re doing it right because it feels good just to imagine it.

4 NOW float back three months from your big picture and ask yourself what needs to happen three months before that to achieve your big goals a year from now and make a picture that represents it.

5 YOUR next step is to float back another three months from that picture and ask yourself what would need to happen then, six months prior to that?

6 THEN, float back another three months from your last picture and ask yourself what needs to happen three months before that? As you do so, make a new image in your mind representi­ng this point.

7 ONCE again, float back three months from your last picture to where you are now. Then ask yourself what needs to happen from this day forward?

8 SO, YOU are right back to now and you should be able to see a succession of images that show you the direction of your life over the next year.

9 YOU should now have a succession of pictures connecting the present with your positive, compelling future. The images should get progressiv­ely bigger with better and better things happening in them. Look at those pictures and let your unconsciou­s mind lock in the road map to your success over the next year.

10 NOW, float up and out of your body and into each picture, moving forwards in time through the year. Take a few moments to fully experience each step you will be taking on the path to greater success.

11 WHEN you get to the big picture of your ideal scene, allow yourself to enjoy experienci­ng it fully. What will it be like to have everything you want?

12 FINALLY, come back to the present and look again at your future timeline. Feel confident in the knowledge that you’ve created a map for your unconsciou­s mind to use as a guide in bringing about the future you want.

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