Daily Mail

Backlash over Met’s £1million inquiry as crime soars

- By Rebecca Camber, Kumail Jaffer and Claire Ellicott

Scotland Yard faced a furious backlash yesterday as it emerged that the Partygate investigat­ion is set to cost more than £1million – at a time of rocketing crime rates.

Critics warned that the criminal inquiry into parties in downing Street and Whitehall will swallow up valuable resources just as the force is battling an epidemic in violent and sexual offences.

The so-called ‘celebrity Squad’ has been tasked with investigat­ing eight parties in a wide-ranging probe, which policing experts have estimated could cost in excess of £1million and take at least six months.

Eight officers in the Special Enquiry team, led by commander catherine Roper, have been assigned to the inquiry, with more officers and staff available if needed, the daily Mail understand­s. She will report her findings to deputy assistant commission­er Jane connors.

Yesterday, the day after Metropolit­an Police commission­er cressida dick’s bombshell announceme­nt of the investigat­ion, MPs and former officers questioned the decision to divert officer time and resources when the force’s overall detection rates have plummeted by almost a quarter in the last year alone.

Dame cressida refused to set any limits or timescale for the inquiry, promising the london assembly: ‘We will of course be going where the evidence takes us.’

But tory assembly member Susan Hall, who chaired the meeting, said it was a ‘matter of regret’ that the probe was being prioritise­d after the capital saw its worst year for teenage killings last year as well as soaring rates of violent and sexual offences. She said: ‘the Met detection rate is absolutely appalling. the number of teenage homicides is absolutely horrific. I understand the commission­er was put in an impossible position and she felt that this was a matter of public confidence for the force.

‘I do, however, deeply regret that significan­t resources are going to be put into this instead of solving rapes and violent offences.’

She added: ‘It seems absolutely ridiculous to be in this situation where there is a prospect of war with Russia over Ukraine.’

Last year in london, 30 teenagers were killed, the worst death toll since the Second World War.

Despite the force having a record 33,076 officers – the highest number in a decade – detection rates remain woeful with 22 per cent less crimes solved in 2021 than in 2020.

Among other disturbing figures, sexual offences in the capital rose by 26 per cent and reported rapes increased by 17 per cent in 2021 compared with the previous year.

Yet in the same period the number of sex crimes being solved dropped by 8 per cent. despite a taskforce being set up to tackle violence, offences continued to creep up by 6 per cent in 2021, while detections have dropped 20 per cent.

Similarly, the number of burglaries solved has fallen by a quarter, robbery detections are down by 21 per cent and there has been a 27 per cent drop in vehicle theft cases being cracked. Yesterday former tory leader Sir Iain duncan Smith said: ‘the big thing to focus on is the Met and gang violence in london, which is a big issue right now.

‘There are concerns about stretched resources and problems with property crime. You very rarely get a serious response from them on things like car crime.

‘In my area and many others in london, there are deep concerns about the efficiency of the police in getting to the scene of the crime when property is involved and then thereafter resolving any of it.

‘There has been a real surge in gang-led violence in london, it’s now becoming a byword.

‘All of this is stretching the police and should be an absolute priority – to catch criminals and resolve crimes. I was surprised at the decision to investigat­e this issue when there are many, many crimes that are going uninvestig­ated.’

Tory MP Mark Jenkinson said: ‘It’s an outrage. In labour’s

‘Stretched resources’

London, knife crime is through the roof and women don’t feel safe on the streets.

‘and here we have “Her Majesty’s loyal opposition” cheering this colossal waste to the rafters.’

Conservati­ve MP Crispin Blunt also weighed in, saying: ‘Not only is it a strange policing priority, but it’s part of a national picture where we no longer have this issue remotely in the right perspectiv­e and context.

‘Of course this money – and the efforts of the public servants who are on the receiving end of this – could be much better spent.’

dai davies, former chief superinten­dent and head of royalty protection at the Met, predicted that the probe could take longer than six months and cost in excess of £1million.

He said: ‘We are talking about fixed penalty notices, something you get for parking on a double yellow line. How much is this really going to cost taxpayers to investigat­e? although it is only a small team, costs soon rack up.

‘We are looking at at least six months for a preliminar­y report and I anticipate it will cost over £1million. It is a nonsense – we are talking about a few minions, civil servants getting a penalty. that is the likely outcome.’

THE bloodiest year for youth killings in a decade. A terrifying rise in rapes and violence. Detections plummeting in almost every category of offending.

The Met Police’s in-tray is certainly bulging. But what is Cressida Dick, the scandal-hit commission­er who grumbles incessantl­y about cash squeezes, doing about this crime epidemic?

Why, she’s spending over £1million and devoting an entire team of detectives to probe the glugging of cheap white wine in Downing Street during lockdown.

Are people angry that No10 staff broke Covid rules? Yes, it was patently wrong.

Is this a reasonable response from Scotland Yard? No. The very worst any offender can expect is a fixed penalty notice.

In the history of British policing, has there been a more egregious waste of police time and money? We can’t think of one.

Yet fears of an interminab­le investigat­ion, plus delays to Sue Gray’s Partygate report, have plunged the Government into paralysis. Key policies can’t progress, flagship strategies are on ice.

Our political class MUST quickly regain a sense of perspectiv­e. Until this regrettabl­e saga ends, the voters’ real concerns – the cost of living, fixing social care, levelling up – will remain scandalous­ly unaddresse­d.

 ?? ?? Task: Commander Roper
Task: Commander Roper

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