Daily Mail

Camilla and Diana shared a star sign — an irony that wasn’t lost on the Princess

- By Diana’s friend and astrologer Debbie Frank

SOMeThinG about the Queen’s recent announceme­nt that the Duchess of cornwall will become Queen consort when Prince charles accedes to the throne feels written in the stars.

Although i have been an astrologer since the 1980s and will always cherish my role as astrologer, and friend, to Princess Diana — an eight-year profession­al and personal relationsh­ip that endured until her death — i don’t believe your life is totally written in the constellat­ions.

But just as Prince charles’s destiny has been to become king, it feels almost as strong that his destiny is to be with camilla.

They are so intrinsica­lly bound that this moment confirming camilla’s influence behind the throne has long felt inevitable.

From all that i know — through observatio­ns, conversati­ons and studying the astrologic­al charts — camilla has always had it in her to hold this position.

After all, she has rocked the monarchy to its very core — imagine having the power to come between the future king and queen. And it is, i believe, no coincidenc­e that just as the recent alignment of the planets has foreshadow­ed a time of decision-making for the Queen, a time to put affairs in order, so too has there been something auspicious in the position of camilla’s Pluto — the planet of power.

it is aligned with the Queen’s leo Moon and has received Saturn’s defining stamp of approval in recent weeks.

it does not surprise me in the slightest that the time has come for camilla’s role to be formalised, although it may shock some to learn i do not believe this is a role camilla has sought out. On the contrary, her astrologic­al chart, which i have examined, as i have for Prince charles, paints a clear picture of someone who doesn’t seek out the public eye.

in this respect, she is almost the

polar opposite of Diana, who was so sensitised to the position she was in that she struggled to manage her emotions. And yet, would you believe, Camilla and Diana share a star sign? The water sign, Cancer.

That fact was not lost on Diana, who followed a royal tradition set in motion by the late Queen Mother in her fascinatio­n with astrology. But the rest of their charts could not be more different.

Charles and Diana, Scorpio and Cancer, are both water signs. But Charles’s Moon sign is Taurus, which makes him stubborn and also gives him a love of the Earth and nature.

Your Moon sign represents your emotional, private side, while your Sun sign is your outward personalit­y, what the world sees. It’s crucial in a relationsh­ip to have compatible Moon signs, but Diana had a Moon in Aquarius, making her free-spirited and outwardloo­king. Spot the problem? Astrologic­ally speaking, it didn’t work.

And then there is Camilla. The alignment of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in Cancer when Camilla was born in July 1947 was in what we call the 12th house, considered to be the hidden, private area (the birth chart is divided into 12 ‘houses’, each associated with facts of an individual’s life).

Put simply, this means underestim­ate Camilla at your peril, as she holds so much in reserve.

She is emotionall­y intelligen­t, she can read the room, she knows what people need and she likes to nurture and nourish them — but whereas Diana’s nurture spread far and wide, Camilla’s instincts are all focused on Charles.

So Diana was extroverte­d and fun, Camilla more restrained and observant of protocol.

Diana had a passion and intensity about her which is plainly visible in her chart. Mars, the planet of her power and drive, is close to Pluto and Uranus, a signature that made her emotionall­y intense, and made it difficult for her to manage those feelings.Camilla has a more easygoing chart; while her focus is on her husband, she likes to talk to people about ordinary things — there’s no tantrum signature!

Curiously, she has the same royal signature, Leo rising, as Charles. Leo, the king of the jungle, has always been seen as the royal sign.

Charles is a complex man and feels misunderst­ood by the world; he doesn’t give away his feelings easily — Camilla is also deeply private, but together they will always share emotional intimacy.

She is the perfect support act, an endless font of nurturing and sustenance for Charles.

And in tying up loose ends, the Queen is recognisin­g what her son needs and what the astrologic­al charts have long predicted. n What’s Your soul sign? astrology For Waking Up, transformi­ng and Living a high Vibe Life, by Debbie Frank, is out now (£12.99, hay house).

 ?? ?? Insight: Debbie Frank
Insight: Debbie Frank

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