Daily Mail

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FOOTBALL Inter Milan v Liverpool, 7pm, BT Sport 2

THE Reds begin the knockout stages of the Champions League at the San Siro, where they beat Inter 1-0 when the sides met back in 2008. Elsewhere, Bayern Munich make the short trip over the Austrian border to Salzburg (7.30pm, BT Sport 3).

BRUSH STROKES Landscape Artist Of The Year 2022, 8pm, Sky Arts

THE semi-final unfolds at a truly epic landscape: the Forth Bridge, crossing the Firth of Forth, west of Edinburgh. The five heat winners and the wild card compete for a place in next week’s final, while hosts Stephen Mangan and Joan Bakewell look calmly on.

FILM DRAMA Mass, 8pm, Sky Premiere

TWO sets of grieving parents meet in the aftermath of a tragedy in this powerful and effective drama. Jason Isaacs and Martha Plimpton star as one of the couples (pictured).

EXPERT CANINES Man, Woman, Dog, 8pm, National Geographic Wild

THE dog-human partnershi­p has long been a productive one, and this new series shows us many notable examples. We meet goatherdin­g dog Brownie, Labradors in training, and a Karelian bear dog who can detect animals’ dens in Ontario. (Sky 165, Virgin 264)

FAST CARS Gassed Up, 9pm, BBC3

CELEBRITIE­S race offbeat vehicles against Brummie rapper Mist in a new series with a typically raucous BBC3 energy. Star number one is Joel Dommett, who normally drives a Porsche (‘black . . . with shiny wheels’). How will he handle racing a buggy round a disused village done up to look like a video game?

COMEDY MUSINGS Zen Motoring, 9.45pm, BBC3

ANYONE who likes their laughs to come from leftfield should give this BBC3 comedy a go. All we see is the view from a car driving around, and all we hear are the ponderings of rapper Ogmios as he muses on the metaphysic­al mysteries of scooters, roundabout­s and life in general.

FUNNY MOVIE The French Dispatch, Disney+

STAR-FILLED, stunning-looking and typically offbeat Wes Anderson comedy about the French bureau of a U.S. newspaper. The starry ensemble cast includes Tilda Swinton (pictured), Frances McDormand, Benicio del Toro, Bill Murray and Edward Norton among many others.

AMERICAN SCHOOL Storyville: Try Harder!, 10pm, BBC4

THE frenzied U.S. college applicatio­n process is captured by this engaging documentar­y, which is filmed at pace in the corridors of San Francisco’s Lowell High. One endearingl­y awkward pupil describes Lowell as looking ‘like a prison’, but this is a top California school full of bright-eyed achievers.

HARD WORKER Dirty Jobs, 10pm, Discovery

‘I’VE come all the way to Tennessee to suck the rocks off a roof.’ Mike Rowe (pictured) takes more tough and unusual jobs in his stride this week and, after he’s done with the rocks, visits the Crazy Horse Memorial — a huge mountain monument to the Native American leader — to help out with the carving.

INFAMOUS COUPLE Pam & Tommy, Disney+

NEWS of the sex tape spreads in this week’s new episode, which expertly captures how that looks in public and the private impact on Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. Lily James brings a real poignancy to Anderson’s sad, angry reaction.

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