Daily Mail



QUICK QUIZ: 1 Elephant. 2 Mendips. 3 Pokémon Card. 4 Belgium. 5 United States.

MINDBENDER: 1 Four, eight and twelve. 2 They all have elephant varieties. 3 Belgrade. 4 Skipjack, a tuna; the others are types of shark. 5 Cathedral, mosque, temple (A becomes X, B becomes Y, etc).

MASTERQUIZ: 1 November 2. 2 Zloty. 3 Albert Einstein. 4 The Midwich Cuckoos. 5 Petrarch. 6 Numbat. HONEYCOMB:

1 Dancer. 2 Narrow. 3 Worked. 4 Kettle. 5 Tarsal. 6 Rotors. 7 Robber. 8 Become. 9 Modest. 10 Settle. 11 Louche. 12 Recurs.

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