Daily Mail


- Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to cainer.com and join the 5 Star Service for personalis­ed messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more!

BLAISE PASCAL, the 17thcentur­y philosophe­r, said: ‘All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling.’ He was ahead of his time. Studies have shown that damaging

the brain’s emotional centres

affects our ability to make choices as simple as deciding whether to use a black or blue pen. As Venus and Neptune combine ahead of the Black Moon Eclipse, feelings can’t be ignored. Our minds think they’re in charge, but our hearts know best.

many different ARIES people the prediction. last offering thing Mar No you matter 21 you - need Apr advice which 20 is an SURELY, at astrologic­al way the you moment, with turn, so there what to seems do. You to be can someone hardly think. telling Yet, you during this time of heightened cosmic activity, as we approach the Black Moon Eclipse and with Venus and Neptune in conjunctio­n, you need to trust your own judgment. If you’re doubtful and uncertain about what to do, the person most able to assist you is you. It’s a lucky week. Let the movements of the stars guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 WHO’S really in control of the world? Are young folk driving change forward? Or do the old hold the strings of power? Let’s hope there’s a balance between the two. I heard a social justice campaigner say that when they get older, they hope they’ll be bamboozled by new attitudes. Feeling ‘behind the times’ is a sign that progress is being made. We need to be challenged if there’s to be positive change. You’re young at heart. And, as your ruler links with Neptune, you can achieve a young person’s victory! Capture the powerful energy of this exceptiona­l cosmic climate. Call your indepth, four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5602. GEMINI May 22 - June 22 SOME people are more than happy to take explanatio­ns at face value. As an inquisitiv­e Gemini, you’re more likely to ask awkward questions. Not because you’re being difficult, but because you like to understand what’s going on. You want to see evidence before you believe a claim. In the approach to the Black Moon Eclipse, you’re right to be suspicious. Express your doubts with tact, but don’t feel that you’re wrong to have them. Your questions are appropriat­e and will lead to a better result. Be inspired! Maximise the energy of this week’s rare cosmic climate. Call your latest four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5603. CANCER June 23 - July 23 IF YOU know

where you’re heading, you’ll find a way to get there. But even the best compasses, the finest hiking gear and the most up-to-date maps can only do so much. What you really need is informatio­n. And if you’re not sure where you want to end up, how are you going to recognise it when you arrive? Maybe where you are right now is exactly where you need to be! In the approach to the Black Moon Eclipse, your aim is to reach a place of greater clarity. As the week progresses, you’ll find it’s closer than you expect. use the power of the planets to change your life. For the key to the future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5604. LEO July 24 - Aug 23 ‘YOU’LL remember

me when the West wind moves upon the field of barley. You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we walk in the fields of gold.’ I’m not quoting this Sting lyric to suggest that finding happiness depends on you swanning around in an idyllic field somewhere! I’m using it to remind you that we often base our views of the future on scenes from movies or halfrememb­ered experience­s. Your future can be built on a foundation that’s much stronger than a memory. You just need to let a memory go. This week’s exceptiona­l cosmic climate can change your life for the better. There’s valuable news, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 WHEN we hit a

wall, we get angry. When progress grinds to a halt, we try to find something (or someone) to blame. ‘I told you there was a better way to go,’ we say smugly from the passenger seat. ‘I thought you were designed to help me avoid traffic,’ we mutter at our sat-nav in the middle of rush hour. There’s nothing wrong with reacting emotionall­y — so long as we realise it’s unlikely to impact our chance of finding a solution. Push past that initial reaction today. Then you can move forward with real purpose. It’s an auspicious week. Let the rare cosmic climate guide you to the future you dream of and deserve. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 STOP reading this for a second and take a deep, long breath. Help yourself to a life-giving, oxygen-enriched lungful of air. It doesn’t cost anything. Surely that piece of knowledge is enough to inspire you. With your ruling planet, Venus, conjoined with Neptune, your awareness of the generous nature of the universe is heightened. Keep looking for gifts heading your way. Some of them may be similarly subtle, but some are obvious. Something simple yet magical is unfolding. Give it your full attention today. This is an exceptiona­l week. The planet’s alignments bring magic and good fortune. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 NO ONE, no matter how intelligen­t, has a perfect memory. Human beings just aren’t able to remember experience­s as simple facts. Our recollecti­ons are coloured by our emotions. Feelings and motivation­s affect our perception of events. Even happy memories are slightly distorted by the version of the proceeding­s that we choose to tell ourselves. As Venus and Neptune conjoin and we move towards a Black Moon Eclipse, if you’re as clear as you can be about your own history, you can make excellent progress. Wonderful opportunit­ies arise as powerful cosmic forces energise your life. For great news, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 ‘WE can’t for ever hide the truth about ourselves from ourselves.’ These words, spoken by U.S. politician John McCain, carry a wisdom that traverses nations and politics. As Venus and Neptune converge, you find yourself called to face an aspect of your life that needs taking in hand. It’s missing leadership and direction. The good news is that you’ll soon find a way to address this lack. The coming Black Moon Eclipse brings insight. Self-awareness is the key to success. Profit from the energy available! This week’s powerful (and rare) cosmic climate can transform your world. Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 DRIVING a coachload of people from A to B is a fairly simple task. Once the bags have been loaded and everyone has taken their seats, it’s a case of following directions. Unless, of course, there’s a flat tyre to deal with. In a worst case scenario, this might involve unloading the passengers and their stuff so that the coach can be winched up and the tyre changed. You may feel as if you’re being sidetracke­d from achieving something. But it’s a vital pit stop. You’re en route to where you want, and need, to go. Take advantage of the cosmic gifts on offer. Your latest forecast will inspire your week ahead. Call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 TV QUIZ

shows seem to be more popular than ever. Why are we so interested in watching people win prizes? Of course, that’s not why we watch. Our interest is piqued because we become the contestant­s. From the safety of our sofa, we shout out the answers and compare our results to those of the people under the spotlight. We could have won! You have an ocean of knowledge in your mind. But it’s your heart that will guide you towards making the right decision today. The auspicious cosmic climate brings potential for transforma­tion! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 THEY tell us that

honesty’s the best policy. Yet it’s difficult to be honest when you’re unsure about what’s true and what’s not. As Venus conjoins with Neptune, you need to be honest about what you don’t know. It’s easy to get confused by layers of assumption­s. Most people prefer to pretend they’ve got answers when they haven’t a clue. You don’t have to be like that. You’re struggling to see what’s going on because you’re so determined to see what you think is there. Be as clear as you can be today. You’ll like what you see. Let the extraordin­ary cosmic energy revitalise and inspire you. There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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