Daily Mail

Jodie’s killing ’em


LIVERPUDLI­AN actress and Killing Eve star Jodie Comer wins rave reviews for her West End debut in Prima Facie after being turned down in

MoCKING Britain’s stiff upper lip, Prince Harry extols California’s ‘I’ll get my therapist to call your therapist’ mindset in a new podcast on mental health. He says ‘99.9 per cent of people on earth are suffering from some form of loss, trauma or eVeR since Rod Stewart first writhed on stage in his leopard skin tights singing Da Ya Think I’m Sexy, women have adored him. And we do more than ever now he’s spoken out about what the current shortage of HRT means. ‘This isn’t just a women’s problem, we need to recognise it affects husbands, partners, children.’ Caring about a woman’s wellbeing through menopause? Now that’s damned sexy. her early career due to her lack of formal training and Scouse accent. A hair pin in the eye from Villanelle to all those who underestim­ated her. grief’ and that PTSD should be renamed as Post Traumatic Stress ‘Injury’ because people will heal more quickly. Pass the Prozac!

If he and Megs ever do come back here, sales of antidepres­sants will soar. And not just among the Royal Family.

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