Daily Mail

Westminste­r wars


■ THOSE who voted Labour in Wandsworth can look forward to their council taxes soaring — they’re nearly double the rate in neighbouri­ng, Labour-run Lambeth — and fortnightl­y bin collection­s instead of weekly. Welcome to my socialist world of Camden!

■ OF ALL of Keir Starmer’s fibs over Labour’s ‘Beergate’, the most risible is ‘misremembe­ring’ his deputy Angela Rayner was at the event. Crikey, even if she isn’t adjusting her lovely legs, the ginger whinger is hardly forgettabl­e!

■ FOR the first time I did not vote in the local elections after discoverin­g my tory councillor­s had distanced themselves from the PM and stood under the banner of ‘Local Conservati­ves’. Boris is the most successful leader we’ve had in decades. show some respect or you’ll never get my vote again.

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