Daily Mail

Vote with your feet


I’VE moved my savings from a building society that closed its branch, couldn’t answer the phone in less than 20 minutes and took a month to return saving books that had been posted for updating.

If we all did this, the financial institutio­ns would realise that if you don’t provide a service, you don’t deserve the business.

A. JARVIS, Stockport, Gtr Manchester. THE campaign to fine companies that don’t answer the phone is an excellent idea. I would also like to ban answer machines — phones should be answered by people.

There seems little point in fining companies only for them to pass on this cost to the consumer. The fine for tardiness should be levied on the directors, not the company, as a proportion of their inflated salaries.

The phone must be answered within three to five minutes.

The annual accounts should include details about fines levied and the phone-answering record.

Such an approach would shake up companies such as British gas.

G. R. JAMES, London SW13.

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