Daily Mail

Should incessant, tinkling Muzak be banned?


THANK goodness Nigel rodgers is taking a stand on background noise in shops, hotels and restaurant­s (Mail). I was in a queue in Nationwide directly under speakers blaring out pop music. The staff were surprised when I said I didn’t come into a building society to listen to music, but to conduct serious business. I was told customers liked it and it was intended to create a pleasant environmen­t. For whom, I wonder? Anyone who is hard of hearing would struggle to conduct a conversati­on. I wouldn’t inflict my taste in music on strangers and find it thoughtles­s that Nationwide does. Instead of paying fees to the Performing rights Society, Nationwide could spend the money employing another member of staff to cut the queue. I have taken my business to a quieter bank.

JACKIE ANDREWS, Barnet, Herts. MUZAK was playing in the lounge on a recent river cruise, so quietly reading a book was not an option.

Have you noticed how a certain popular restaurant chain that doesn’t play background music always seems to be full?

C. COTTON, Fareham, Hants. I WEAR hearing aids, so find Muzak in public places a total nuisance. To try to block out background noise, I turn up my hearing aids only to find they enhance the music, which means I can’t follow a conversati­on. Muzak leaves me feeling excluded in social gatherings.

M. CHILTON, Otley, W. Yorks. WHEN I complained about the Muzak in my local coffee shop, I was told: ‘Management insist we have it on as customers like it.’ In fact, I wasn’t the only customer complainin­g and asking for it to be switched off. They left it on.

Name and address supplied. NIGEL RODGERS has had considerab­le success in ridding public places of Muzak. Please can he turn his attention to Tv documentar­ies, which are infested with loud, distractin­g and irritating dubbed-in background music. I have to press the mute button and resort to subtitles.

Mrs IRIS RAMKISSOON, Abingdon, Oxon.

IT MAY well be inappropri­ate to play loud pop music in a garden centre (Letters), but having to listen to it in the dentist’s chair is even worse.

TONY THOMPSON, Banbury, Oxon. I WHOLEHEART­EDLY agree about unnecessar­y, inappropri­ate and irritating noise. Background music on Tv is even more infuriatin­g. I watch tennis with the sound off. In nature documentar­ies, why does a deer run across the savannah with a full orchestra in tow?

RAY FEELY, Stockport, Gtr Manchester.

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