Daily Mail



You have two spades, two hearts, and two clubs, so it is vital to establish two more tricks somewhere. The best chance is to go for hearts.

You have no hope of establishi­ng hearts without losing a trick, and you are hoping that the suit breaks 3-2. So at trick two, you play the ♥K from your own hand, and next play a low heart from both hands.

If your hopes are realised, which will be if both East and West follow, then you still have a heart left to lead to dummy when you get in again. In this way you will win two spade tricks, four hearts and two clubs. Don’t worry about diamonds — if your opponents open up the suit, they can only take the ♦AKQ before establishi­ng a diamond winner for you.

 ?? ?? You are South playing in 2NT. West leads a spade, which you win with the ♠K. Plan the play.
You are South playing in 2NT. West leads a spade, which you win with the ♠K. Plan the play.

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