Daily Mail

Woke-washing adverts aren’t fooling anyone… brands need to bring back the humour

- by Lionel Shriver

Stop! Don’t fast-forward. I love this advert!’ How often do you say that? Considerin­g some commercial breaks run to five minutes, not often enough. How about: ‘oh no, not again, I can’t stand this advert’? Mmm . . . nightly?

promotion that strains to impress consumers with a company’s progressiv­e imprimatur is off-putting, according to recent research by the pull Agency, a brand consultanc­y.

You always suspected it, but now it’s official: woke advertisin­g backfires.

In a survey of 2,000 representa­tive Britons, 68 per cent were either ‘uneasy’ or ‘unsure’ about brands supporting fashionabl­e Left-wing causes such as climate change, BLM, LGBTQ+, diversity, and female body confidence.

Fifteen per cent would actively avoid buying from firms that publicly endorse those causes via ‘woke-washing’.

to go out on a limb here, I’d venture that even the 32 per cent of respondent­s who claimed to want brands to posture politicall­y in their promotions would rather watch Cravendale Milk’s hilarious 2011 advert ‘Cats with thumbs’ than the trendily humourless Nike advert ten years later, in which a black lesbian student celebrates ‘women of colour’ who ‘fight for social justice’.

When asked what firms should do to be socially responsibl­e, 58 per cent of respondent­s ticked: ‘pay their taxes, treat people fairly, respect the environmen­t and not use it as a PR opportunit­y.’

In other words, rather than lecture us, behave well yourself; peddle your product, not your unconvinci­ng high-mindedness.

only 15 per cent wanted companies to take public stands.

YOU’D think the advertisin­g industry would have done this homework a while ago — although pull Agency CEO Chris Bullick reports that when he first mooted the idea of the survey, fellow marketing executives were not keen.

Input ranged from ‘We’d advise strongly against it’ and ‘It could be seen as divisive’ to the perplexing, ‘It isn’t inclusive enough’.

Mad Men’s successors seem taken with their self-important roles as cultural high priests and social engineers — whose remit is much more exhilarati­ng than selling cures for toenail fungus.

Hard statistics demonstrat­ing that they’ve grown incompeten­t at their real job was the last thing they wanted commission­ed.

Because woke advertisin­g unsells products. the infamous 2019 Gillette advert critical of ‘toxic masculinit­y’ dropped sales by 9 per cent. By contrast, 2007’s artful but apolitical Cadbury advert of a gorilla playing the drums to phil Collins raised sales by the same rate.

the overkill of racial affirmativ­e action is also misfiring. ‘ the unthinking addition of ethnic, and in particular mixed-race couples,’ Bullick writes, ‘is seen by consumers as an “easy win” for lazy advertiser­s’. His research verified that most people want to see a ‘realistic’ representa­tion of the population as a whole, rather than the pointedly exaggerate­d casting of minorities so common to today’s commercial­s that the cliché has become comical.

Yet the applicatio­n of a little common sense would have obviated the pull Agency’s survey.

television adverts are annoying by nature. they interrupt the programme we’re watching and badger us to buy something we don’t necessaril­y want. to counter our resentment, impatience and inclinatio­n to ignore the message altogether, canny marketers make ads as delightful as possible.

Hectoring, moral superiorit­y and the aggressive ramming of a narrow agenda down your audience’s throat are anything but delightful. And like Leftists everywhere, righton ad execs mistakenly assume that everyone agrees with them.

But all manner of political weirdos, even conservati­ves, watch TV. Why alienate potential customers when you don’t have to? Worse, these preening promotions insult our intelligen­ce. Adverts are selling stuff. their aim is profit. to expect us to believe that the true purpose of this expensive communicat­ion is to make the world a better place is to take us for fools.

Right, the manufactur­er of oreos doesn’t want us to eat more biscuits; it wants greater acceptance for biracial and lesbian couples. Forget that blather about flame-grilled meat; Burger King is primarily motivated to improve its customers’ mental health. the implied cynicism risks offending the very folks who embrace these causes.

Besides, there’s no pleasing such people. Reebok’s #BeMoreHuma­n campaign featuring the striking black actress Danai Gurira in a running bra (‘We have to make our shoulders strong enough for somebody else to stand on’) drew flak for promoting the ‘strong black woman trope’ — which, according to a logic that is anything but obvious, was dehumanisi­ng.

POLITICALL­Y goodygoody adverts miss the mark especially in tone. they’re earnest. For all partisan persuasion­s, earnestnes­s is the ultimate buzzkill. (An acquaintan­ce once characteri­sed me as ‘earnest’, and I’ve never been more insulted.) Even Americans prefer irony to sincerity.

Earth to marketing execs: we like adverts that are funny. Again, I’ve no clue why the footage should influence our choice of telecom provider, but three’s 2014 ‘Sing It Kitty’, in which a lip-synching little girl on a tiny pink push-bike belts out ‘We built this city on ro-ock aand ro-oll!’, was still a corker.

Flogging dreary car insurance, MoneySuper­Market’s ‘ Epic Dance- of f ’ from 2016 was hysterical: men in suit jackets and ties with big bums, tight shorts and high heels boogying with overweight builders.

I’ll take that tongue-in- cheek ‘gender fluidity’ any day, and I watched those adverts more than once; they were usually more entertaini­ng than the programme. Even ‘ compare the meerkat dot com’ is so dumb it works.

Does advertisin­g matter? Maybe; like it or not, adverts are part of our culture. unlike lastingly memorable campaigns such as ‘I can’t believe I ate the whole thing’ (Alka Seltzer 1972) or ‘ Whassuuup?’ (Budweiser, 1999), these recent moralising commercial­s hold up a mirror to a preachy, party-pooping era.

In future, they’re likely to be perceived pityingly as of a piece, unintentio­nally amusing specimens of a time when marketing became po-faced and self-destructiv­e.

■ A version of this article first appeared in The spectator.

 ?? ?? Backfired: Preachy Reebok ad was deemed to perpetuate stereotype­s of black women
Backfired: Preachy Reebok ad was deemed to perpetuate stereotype­s of black women
 ?? MONEYSUPER­MARKET/ Pictures: ?? Alienating the base: Gillette’s ‘toxic masculinit­y’ campaign cost the firm
MONEYSUPER­MARKET/ Pictures: Alienating the base: Gillette’s ‘toxic masculinit­y’ campaign cost the firm
 ?? ?? Iconic: Cadbury’s 2007 Gorilla Phil Collins advert
Iconic: Cadbury’s 2007 Gorilla Phil Collins advert
 ?? ?? ‘Epic Dance-Off’: MoneySuper­Market in 2016
‘Epic Dance-Off’: MoneySuper­Market in 2016

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