Daily Mail



You are South, declarer 4 , and West cashes ♣

AK then switches to a spade. Plan the play for your best chance to make the contract.

You’ve already lost two club tricks, and could well lose another two in spades if you’re not careful. You will never get a chance to enjoy your diamond winners if the defence is left with a trump.

Playing with only a 4-3 trump fit is known as ‘Moysian’, and is sometimes necessary when your side has game values, but with the same unguarded suit to remove 3NT as an option, and with too many losers for a minor-suit game.

You must play on the assumption that the outstandin­g trumps are going to break 4-2. Win the spade switch in hand and lead a low trump. Now whatever is returned you can win and take three more rounds of trumps if necessary — remember that the odds favour a 4-2 break.

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