Daily Mail



You are West, declarer in 6NT doubled by North. North also doubled a cue bid of 5 ♥ by West on the way to the slam. He leads a low diamond, which you win with dummy’s ♦ 10. You lead a low club, North wins your ♣ Q with the ace and leads another diamond. Plan the play.

Win the second diamond in your own hand and then cash dummy’s ♠ KQ. Cash your ♥ A and the ♠ A and then run the rest of the diamonds.

It is certain from the bidding that north has the ♥ K, and South is probably long in spades, so your only remaining chance of making the contract is to squeeze north in hearts and clubs.

If your guess is right, by the time you play the last diamond, north will be down to the ♥ K and the ♣ Jx, and will be in trouble, whilst you — having created the ‘Vienna’ position by cashing the ♥ A — have idle cards to throw. You should end up making the ♥ Q in dummy and the ♣ K, or the ♣ K10.

North was perhaps somewhat unwise to double, as it clearly marks him with all the missing strength. if he holds on to the ♥ K, you know that your ♣ K will drop what must now be his bare ♣ J, and your ♣ 10 will be good. it will be very rough justice if, after all this, South should turn out to have the ♣ J!

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