Daily Mail

Listen to silent majority


WHAT happened to democracy and running the country for the benefit of the majority? Noisy, self- serving minority groups are seemingly happy to run Britain into the ground for their own gains or beliefs.

Many of our problems could be eased if the Government had the backbone to use its large majority to make the necessary difficult decisions.

The price of energy and fuel, and hence the cost of living crisis, could be reduced by standing up to the climate change lobby and reducing green taxes.

Small sacrifices make no difference. We need a proper energy policy that includes nuclear, fracking, coal and North Sea oil.

Legislatio­n is needed to prevent human rights lawyers cashing in on the migrant crisis.

The Government must look at the education of our young and stop pandering to woke, virtue-signalling identity politics that only divides society with its cancel culture and the rewriting of history.

Freedom of thought and speech is the backbone of this country.

Trades unions and eco-terrorist groups must not be allowed to shut down the country. They have a right to peaceful protest, but not to disrupt ordinary people trying to go about their day-to-day lives.

The Government should listen to the silent majority who play by the rules, pay their taxes and obey the law. It must govern with common sense to resolve real problems and ignore the constant electionee­ring and petty party politics of the Westminste­r bubble. Majorities win elections, not minorities.

CHRIS TAYLOR, Yateley, Hants.

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