Daily Mail

‘We won on Rwanda’ boast migrants heading to UK

- From Neil Sears in Loon Plage, near Dunkirk, France

MIGRANTS emboldened by European judges’ halting the plane to Rwanda are boasting ‘we have won’ and being aided by charities on how to thwart future flights.

The Daily Mail yesterday found French police are despairing of ever stopping dangerous dinghy trips to the UK and a new ‘jungle’ camp is growing.

Home Secretary Priti Patel wants to send ‘irregular’ migrants to Rwanda to deter the crossings. But the first plane was stopped last week after the European Court of Human Rights intervened at the last minute. Yesterday there was evidence in northern France the message had got through that the way to England remains wide open.

Nigerian migrant Adam, 26, a builder, said: ‘The immigrants have won in the courts. Migrants went to a judge, and he said it is not possible to send people to Africa.’ He spoke at a new migrant camp at Loon Plage, a few miles from Dunkirk.

There, half a dozen charities were in evidence. Leaflets from Care4Calai­s say once in the UK, if migrants receive a legal letter mentioning Rwanda they should message a specific number on WhatsApp. The charity leaflet adds: ‘We will help you.’

A charity worker from Utopia, 56, said: ‘There are about 350 people living here, we come and give out leaflets about crossing the Channel and how to get mental and dental help.’

Near food stands, three competing cigarette vendors and a shack selling £3 baguettes, was Markawi, 32, from Eritrea. He said: ‘I have little money, so me and friends are planning to buy our own boat. If they try to send us to Rwanda, I know I can call Care4Calai­s.’

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