Daily Mail



● YOU might have to test drive a few oils before you find the one that’s right for your hair. If you have finer hair, look for a product that will emulsify easily, meaning it washes off well.

● BE CAREFUL when massaging your head not to scratch the scalp or break hairs. Use your fingertips, or try a brush such as the Manta (£25, mantahair.com) which also exfoliates.

● GRADUALLY build up to leaving oil on your scalp overnight, so you learn how your hair responds to it. Start by using your oil as a pre-wash

treatment, applied 15 minutes to two hours before you wash your hair.

● FOLLOW Adam Reed’s advice: when it’s time to wash out the oil, apply shampoo before getting your hair wet. Work it through to break down the oil, then add water.

● DON’T use any other styling products after washing your hair, so you can really see how the oil has affected it.

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