Daily Mail




1 Extensive in influence or range (3-8)

7 Scottish port (4)

8 City in north west England (7)

9 Pigeon’s call (3)

10 Unintentio­nal mistake (5)

11 Leather seat for a rider (6)

13 Strike repeatedly (6)

16 Gangway (5)

18 Long fish (3)

19 Happening during the day (7)

20 Wheel-spindle (4)

21 Printed work offered for sale (11)


1 Leg bone (6)

2 Stale or sour (6) 3 Disclose (6)

4 Thin fabric with a wrinkled surface (5)

5 Temporary or provisiona­l (7)

6 Army officer (7)

11 Rise to one’s feet (5,2)

12 Upset or agitate (7)

13 Spanish dish (6)

14 African country (6)

15 __ Waugh, English novelist and journalist (6)

17 Boredom or dissatisfa­ction (5)

 ?? ??

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