Daily Mail

Over the Moon for an out-of-this-world party


The Man in the Moon

was excited.

His birthday was

coming around.

He had ordered a band

to play music.

He just loved their great

cosmic sound.

He got all of the planets

to dance then,

Even put planet Earth in

a spin,

The comets performed

sequence flying, While the meteors raced,

trying to win. There was drink to make

everyone merry, Loads of moonshine to

share all around,

The Milky Way provided

the milk shakes, Cheesy straws grew

The grub was just out of

this worldly,

The atmosphere electric,

no doubt.

Some space dust had

everyone popping,

As that night slowly turned

into day

His guests, looking weary,

were grateful

That Mars bars had stayed

open their way.

Some returned to the black hole they’d come from Clutching a goody bag each

and balloon,

The Man in the Moon patted

his tummy,

He was now a real happy,

Full Moon!

Rose Sheppard, Ryde, Isle of Wight.

 ?? ?? straight out of the ground. Moon rock cakes were
proving quite popular, Saturn produced onion rings
to help out,
straight out of the ground. Moon rock cakes were proving quite popular, Saturn produced onion rings to help out,

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