Daily Mail



You are South in 4 ♥ and West leads ♥ 9, which you win in hand. How would you plan the play? This is a tough one to start the week. You will do well to spot the solution even looking at the full deal. You would have ten tricks if the club finesse succeeds, but when you run ♣ Q, East wins and plays ♠ J, you cover and West wins with the king and exits with a club. Now where is that tenth trick coming from? You could gamble on East holding ♠ A, but when unsuccessf­ul, you would certainly lose two spades. instead, your mind must turn to that dreaded squeeze — or even a double squeeze. Try cashing your remaining clubs and three more rounds of trumps. We have now reached that familiar five- card ending when exciting things might start to happen. (Continued tomorrow).

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