Daily Mail

‘We got in a little bit of a tangle’ – what he told police


RYAN GIGGS: All right?

PC BILLINGTON: What’s been going on? RG: We’ve been out for a meal, had a few drinks in town and had an argument. We were supposed to stay in town. She [Kate Greville] accused me of a couple of things, she left and I followed her and I’ve come home to my house. I come home and ask her to leave – ‘Why you still here?’ We had an argument and she said ‘I’m taking the dog’. ‘He’s my puppy’, ‘it’s my puppy’, ‘no it’s not he’s mine’ – that kind of thing, so I went in the garage and looked after the dog. ( RG says when he came back, she had taken his phone, so he spent half an hour searching for it)

RG: I said ‘Where’s my phone Kate?’ [she replied] ‘I’m not giving it to you’. We got in a little bit of a tangle, rumbling on the floor there [gesticulat­es]. I then tried to get her phone off her and we struggled on the floor and she’s kicked me in the head.

( RG said it ‘all calms down’ and he asks his neighbour to call police, but she doesn’t want to get ‘involved’. He then says KG won’t return his phone, ‘so I have said I am not giving her her phone, stupidly’.)

RG: She asked for my phone and there’s been a struggle over there, right. I hit her in the lip, I got injured first and then it calmed down.

PC BILLINGTON: What’s your name?

RG: Ryan Giggs.

PC BILLINGTON: For the time being we’re going to speak to your other half and get to the bottom of it. Is she going to tell us the same version of events?

RG: She’s going to say I’ve attacked her. ( RG says he thought KG had rung a taxi, saying he ‘loves’ the dog ‘just as much as Kate’.)

PC BILLINGTON: Has there been arguments in the past?

RG: This is the first time.

PC BILLINGTON: There’s an allegation of assault, we can’t investigat­e that here. We’re going to have to place you under arrest and take you down to the police station.

Giggs is then cautioned, patted down during search and walked uncuffed to a nearby police van.

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