Daily Mail

Fifty is a breeze... It’s seventy that hurts


I’M SO pleased Gwyneth Paltrow says she’s feeling ‘amazing’ as she turns 50. I felt amazing at 50, too, with no assistance from Gwynnie’s Goop, just a cheery acceptance that age is inevitable.

IT’s hardly surprising that a secondary teacher, enoch Burke, found it difficult to address a pupil previously a boy, now a girl, as ‘they’. The grammar! But his cancellati­on has gone further than what has happened to a number of gender critical professors who simply lost their jobs. Having been suspended by his school, Mr Burke refused to stay away and has now been incarcerat­ed in Mountjoy Prison in Dublin for contempt of court. Whatever next?!

 ?? ?? It was 70 that was a bit of a shock — the ‘inevitable’ aches, pains and stiffness in the morning. Still here though, and that’s pretty amazing.
It was 70 that was a bit of a shock — the ‘inevitable’ aches, pains and stiffness in the morning. Still here though, and that’s pretty amazing.

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