Daily Mail

Weekly obesity jab ‘halves diabetes risk’

- By Shaun Wooller Health Correspond­ent

AN OBESITY drug given in weekly jabs more than halves the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a landmark review suggests.

Patients can inject themselves with semaglutid­e, which works by hijacking the brain to suppress appetite and slash calorie intake.

Overweight and obese participan­ts given the regular doses saw their odds of suffering the condition fall by up to 61 per cent.

The drug has been approved for use in England after it was shown to help patients lose an average of 15 per cent of their body weight, equal to 2st 7lb.

Around 4.5million people are living with type 2 diabetes in England, which costs the NHS more than £10billion a year.

Researcher­s carried out a new analysis of data from two previous trials of semaglutid­e to assess its impact on the condition.

Study leader Dr Timothy Garvey said the average weight loss of 15 per cent was ‘sufficient to treat or prevent a broad array of obesity complicati­ons that impair health and quality of life’. He added that this effect ‘is a game changer in obesity medicine’.

In the first trial, 1,961 overweight and obese patients received an injection of 2.4mg of semaglutid­e or a placebo weekly for 68 weeks.

In the second, another 803 overweight and obese participan­ts received weekly injections of 2.4mg semaglutid­e for 20 weeks. Then these patients either remained on the drug or switched to a placebo for the next 48 weeks. All participan­ts received advice on diet and exercise.

The researcher­s from the University of Alabama, US, used a formula called cardiometa­bolic disease staging to predict the risk of developing type two diabetes in the next decade. This calculatio­n has been shown to be a highly accurate measure of risk and accounts for sex, age, race, body mass index and blood pressure plus blood glucose and cholestero­l levels.

The ten-year risk scores for participan­ts receiving semaglutid­e in the first trial fell by 61 per cent from 18.2 per cent at the start to 7.1 per cent at week 68.

This compared to a 13 per cent drop in risk for those given the placebo, from 17.8 per cent at the start to 15.6 per cent at week 68.

Results from the second trial indicated that sustained treatment was needed to maintain the drop in type two diabetes risk.

The findings will be presented to the European Associatio­n for the Study of Diabetes in Stockholm, Sweden, next week.

The adage tells us to breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. But the theory behind this – that we burn more calories after breakfast than dinner – is false, researcher­s found.

They put 30 overweight or obese people on two four-week diets – one with a big breakfast and a small dinner while the other reversed the proportion­s.

The University of Aberdeen study, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, found a similar amount of calories were burned but big breakfasts boosted a hormone that makes us feel full and could help control appetite.

‘Treat or prevent complicati­ons’

 ?? ?? ‘He’s lost nearly three stone trying to avoid the obesity jab’
‘He’s lost nearly three stone trying to avoid the obesity jab’

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