Daily Mail



By cat behaviouri­st Marjan debevere

■ SLOW-BLINKS are known as ‘cat-kisses’ — they are a way of your pet letting you know they feel the cat equivalent of love for you. Although most animals view excessive eye contact as confrontat­ional, domestic cats also connect with their human families with their eyes and will hold your gaze if they feel at ease with you.

■ BRINGING live or dead prey into the home is either a gift — just as feral cats living in a group bring prey back to share — or the cat is ‘caching’ the food in order to save it for later. You might sometimes find a dead mouse in or next to a food bowl. This is not a complaint about the service!

■ SCRATCHING the furniture is important for stretching, claw conditioni­ng and scenting. If you do not have a large, solid scratching post that a cat can brace itself against, it will use something large and heavy, like an armchair. If you don’t want your cats scratching your furniture, get a sturdy scratching post.

■ RAPIDLY licking over one shoulder, but not as part of a grooming routine, can be a self-soothing action. Cats sometimes do this after a period of intense play, an interactio­n with a dog or another thrilling activity.

■ GOING to the toilet in strange places in the house is a sign of great stress in a cat. Things that stress out cats include being picked up or handled too much and feeling under threat, for example from a new puppy or unwanted visits from a stray cat.

 ?? ?? Cuddled up: Esther and Mo
Cuddled up: Esther and Mo

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