Daily Mail

Worktop that lasts

Quality quartz surfaces help to update the kitchen


WHEN updating the home, don’t forget to make the kitchen futureproo­f. Think ergonomic — perhaps by including stylish lever handles, and drawers and pullout systems that minimise the need to bend and lift. Lighting needs to be good. And flooring

that reduces the risk of slipping should be chosen. When it comes to worktops, choose one built to last.

A quartz work surface is composed of advanced polymer resins and pigments that are fused with 95 per cent quartz, one of the hardest minerals in nature.

It is 45 per cent cheaper than granite and has a long-lasting, beautiful, high-quality finish with a scratch-resistant surface that is more than tough enough to withstand everyday knocks and scrapes. Once installed, no maintenanc­e is required, other than a quick wipe with a neutral cleaner or warm water.

 ?? Picture: QUARTZIZE ??

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