Daily Mail

I’ll only vote Tory if Boris is in charge


BORIS JOHNSON supporters shouldn’t feel let down by his withdrawal from the Tory leadership contest. The outcome was out of his hands, although he was the PM chosen by the people.

Although Labour will inevitably win the next election, I won’t vote Conservati­ve to help prevent it. They deserve to be in the wilderness for a while. But what goes round comes around, these miscreants will be washed away and Boris will return. Only then will I vote Conservati­ve again.

JEAN SEARLE, Crowthorne, Berks. WELL done, Boris, for making the effort to get back to being PM. Unfortunat­ely the vultures were still there, ready to turn on you.

May you now have time to relax and, sometime in the future perhaps, arise again from the ashes. Your many supporters will be waiting.

PEGGY RAY, Folkestone, Kent. IN NOT running for Prime Minister, Boris has positioned himself perfectly as an elder statesman. By showing he was putting country before party, he has regained his reputation.

There is no doubt he could have won with the majority of the party behind him, but whoever won was grasping a poisoned chalice, with deeply unpopular decisions needing to be taken. It will be interestin­g to see when he moves to take back his party.

R. BRYAN, Morpeth, Northumber­land. FAR better to wait, Boris. In 18 months Labour will be miles ahead in the polls.

That is the moment to arrive on a white charger, crying ‘Here comes the cavalry’ and sweeping the Tories to victory.

REX BOURNE, Leiston, Suffolk. HASTA la vista baby, but not this time. And why should Boris Johnson make a hasty comeback?

Let Rishi Sunak take the blame for an Austerity Mk2 government. Meanwhile, I’m sure the chat shows and red-tops are all hustling for a Boris scoop — and he’s television gold. He can make a fortune from guest appearance­s, maybe even enter the jungle or polish his dancing shoes for the ballroom. S.T. VAUGHAN, Birmingham.

 ?? ?? Biding his time? Boris Johnson could one day make a political comeback
Biding his time? Boris Johnson could one day make a political comeback

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