Daily Mail

Stenson: I’ll take lie test over claims


HENRIK STENSON says he would take a lie detector test to disprove rumours that he used the Ryder Cup captaincy to leverage a better offer from golf’s LIV breakaway series.

The Swede was dropped from the role by European Ryder Cup bosses in July after accepting in the region of £40million to defect to the Saudi-backed rebel series.

That scenario has given rise to the theory that Stenson may have accepted the post in March as a means to coax a better package, but the 46-year-old has denied the claims.

‘I can give you a 100 per cent honest answer that it was never the case,’ he told Sportsmail in Miami ahead of LIV’s season finale. ‘I would be willing to take a lie detector test on that.

‘I am happy with where I am at. I thought that through in more than one afternoon. I managed to get a win straight out of the box and I am looking forward to next year. I am enjoying being with the guys on this tour.

‘ We are playing together, travelling together and it has a different vibe to regular life on tour that I did for many years. That was great, but I enjoy this.

‘I am getting the off season I have wanted for 17 years. I am looking forward to that, getting strong and healthy in the gym and getting ready for the new season in February.’

LIV has triggered a bitter civil war in the sport that extended this week when Rory McIlroy said he felt ‘betrayed’ by the defections of former Ryder Cup team-mates such as Ian Poulter, Lee Westwood and Graeme McDowell.

Poulter rejected that sentiment, saying: ‘A betrayal? We can still qualify for the team as far as I’m aware. I’ve played Ryder Cups with as much passion as anyone I’ve ever seen. I don’t know where that comment has come from.’

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