Daily Mail





1 Slender predatory insect (6)

4 Deep bowl (5)

7 Area for spectators (10)

8 Curly hairstyle (4) 9 Madagascan primate (5)

11 Yearbook (7)

13 Spectacles (7)

15 Any verse or piece of poetry (5) 17 Swiss capital (4) 18 Sacrifice quality for speed (3,7) 20 Loud and disorderly (5)

21 Make beloved (6)


1 Shortsight­edness (6) 2 Any word or

expression (4)

3 Item used

during floods (7) 4 Herb (5)

5 Music genre (3)

6 Lowest point (5)

7 Bad-tempered (6) 10 Fails to hit (6)

12 Remove

dirt from (7)

14 Vocalist (6)

15 Happen

again (5)

16 Dark wood (5)

17 __ Pitt, actor (4) 19 Pull another

vehicle (3)

 ?? ?? The Mail is published by ANL, 2 Derry St, London W8 5TT.
The Mail is published by ANL, 2 Derry St, London W8 5TT.

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