Daily Mail

Time for police to get tough on eco-zealots


THREE hearty cheers for Suella Braverman’s outburst of common sense when she says the police should crack down on the ecoanarchi­sts making lives a misery.

Echoing everything this paper has argued – and the thoughts of millions of Britons – the Home Secretary says forces should stop pussyfooti­ng around Just Stop Oil’s doomsday cultists.

If woke chief constables keep humouring these self-righteous oddballs, confidence in the police will seep irreversib­ly away.

The agitators aren’t just inconvenie­ncing thousands of drivers when they shut the M25. They’re endangerin­g lives, too.

Yesterday, a police officer was injured after the group’s antics caused a collision.

Make no mistake, unless the law gets tough with these irresponsi­ble protesters, someone will soon get killed. By treating them with kid gloves, supine police and judges have let things escalate dangerousl­y.

Ironically, by obstructin­g people trying to get to work or school, vandalisin­g art and blocking ambulances, Just Stop Oil risks hardening hearts against environmen­talism.

What really sticks in the craw is how misplaced the synthetic anger of these ludicrous cranks is. Thanks to an aggressive anti-carbon agenda, UK emissions are just 1 per cent of the global total – and falling.

In China, meanwhile, CO2 discharges are off the charts. But, of course, the face-glueing M25 mob wouldn’t dare tread there.

No, we are forced to endure these insufferab­le law-breakers. And as long as the authoritie­s here indulge them, they will continue their wanton destructio­n.

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