Daily Mail

Who are ya... is this a red card for simulation?

- From Sam Greenhill in Doha

THEY are gleefully banging the drum for england – but are they really Three lions fans or paid fakes?

videos of excited supporters swarming through Doha, capital of World Cup host Qatar, have been posted online – prompting questions about their authentici­ty.

The Gulf state has been accused of paying hundreds of ‘fake fans’ to sing and dance in a series of choreograp­hed events.

in one video posted on TikTok, a happy crowd waving england flags and a banner proclaimin­g ‘it’s coming home’ march along the seafront. But online commentato­rs reacted with scepticism, with some accusing the Qatari authoritie­s of paying migrant workers to dress up. Almost identical videos show similar crowds wearing the colours of Brazil, Argentina and portugal.

viewers of the england video on TikTok channel Qatari living posted cynical comments underneath, including one who wrote: ‘saw them all dressed as Brazil fans yesterday.’

several users writing comments under the england video posted flag emojis of india and Bangladesh, countries where thousands of workers were recruited to build World Cup stadiums and infrastruc­ture.

last night the ‘england fans’ were out in force again – and insisted they were genuine supporters and not being paid. A boisterous group singing ‘it’s coming home’ waved flags outside the team hotel.

one of the men, sharik, 37, told the Mail: ‘We are all indians from kerala state, working in Qatar. it is true we have not been to england, but we love the england team.’

sajid, 38, said: ‘england is our passion and the team will go all the way to the final. it’s coming home.’

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 ?? ?? Fake? The Qataris posted photos online of supporters from – clockwise – ‘England, Argentina and Portugal’
Fake? The Qataris posted photos online of supporters from – clockwise – ‘England, Argentina and Portugal’

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