Daily Mail



I PAID for two nights at The Gower Hotel in Saundersfo­ot, Pembrokesh­ire, through booking.com for my wife and her 81-yearold mother. Four days before they planned to depart, my wife caught Covid and I attempted to cancel the trip. But by the time I received a response, I was told I was outside the cancellati­on period.

P. W., Ebbw Vale. THe accommodat­ion website apologises for the delay, which it says was because it had problems contacting you. It has since refunded your £200.

MY CAR was written off after an accident

which wasn’t my fault. I agreed a settlement figure with the third party but was charged a salvage fee of 6 pc — or £265. I have been chasing the AA to reclaim this figure, but it is ignoring my emails, calls and Twitter messages.

S. G., Torquay. INITIALLY you received half of the salvage fee back, but this still left you around £132 worse off. The AA says the delay in payment stemmed from the third party’s insurer. It has now refunded you the sum in advance while it awaits the money.

WE WERE supposed to fly home to Luton from North Macedonia in June, but the flight was cancelled with four hours to spare. We had to pay to call Wizz Air’s customer service, which put us on a flight from Tirana, Albania — and we had to pay for the taxi to get there.

We are still waiting for compensati­on and the refund of a couple of hundred pounds, and Wizz Air isn’t replying on its chat portal.

L. H., London. WIZZ Air has now refunded your flight cost and paid you compensati­on. A spokesman apologises for the delay, which it says was down to a backlog of refund requests.

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