Daily Mail

Addams family sidekick keeping his hand in


A GIRL’S best friend? Not diamonds, but a sentient severed hand — in the world of Wednesday Addams, at least. The TV show Wednesday, directed by Tim Burton, gives Thing a major role. He’s dropped off at boarding school by Morticia and Gomez, who want him to keep tabs on their daughter. Instead he becomes her sidekick.

Thing is played by magician Victor Dorobantu in his first acting role — although everything but his hand was encased in a blue suit, so he could be edited out in post production. Actress Jenna Ortega (right), who plays Wednesday, said: ‘Thing is her best friend. He’s the unsung hero of the show, honestly. We had Victor on set at pretty much all times. When he wasn’t there, they had a suitcase full of severed hands set in these different positions. We’d be like: “Oh, we want the flimsy one today.” Or: “We want the stoic one.” ’

THE show premieres on Netflix on November 23.

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