Daily Mail

Deliver or die


I vOTed for Brexit in 2016 and I am getting angrier by the day.

It is now six years since the referendum and what do we have to show for it? no trade deal, a mass influx of immigrants (whom the French are quite happy to accept our taxpayers’ money to deal with) and we cannot get rid of the economic migrants and criminals from our sovereign shores.

The Conservati­ve Party must fulfil the will of the British people, get Brexit done in its entirety and not carry on dragging its feet. If it doesn’t, its MPs had better start looking for a new career because I will not vote for it at the next election. richarD ThoMas, Bridgwater, somerset. ‘dOn’T betray us on Brexit,’ warned the Mail’s front page on Monday.

Why not? The Tory party has so far betrayed us on all other aspects of its manifesto.

Paul ruane, cannington, somerset.

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