Daily Mail

Row delays Prevent terror report

- By Kumail Jaffer Political Reporter

ISLAMIST groups suspected of promoting extremist narratives could be spared from being named as part of a long-awaited report into the Government’s flagship counter-terror programme.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman is ready to publish a review of the counterext­remism Prevent scheme and accept all its recommenda­tions, according to Government sources.

But its publicatio­n has been held up amid a row with Communitie­s Secretary Michael Gove after he objected to how it is being presented.

It is understood his objections revolve around a decision to redact the names of several Prevent-funded organisati­ons which allegedly promoted extremist narratives, including support for the Taliban.

Downing Street yesterday could not rule out names of individual­s and groups being redacted. Asked whether details will be removed when the report is published, a spokesman said: ‘I’m not able to say now how that will be presented... but it will be published in due course.’

The row, reported by The Times but which sources close to both Cabinet ministers denied, could delay the report’s publicatio­n by several more weeks.

It is understood that the Home Office and Mr Gove’s department, which holds responsibi­lity for how Prevent operates, are still working out their difference­s.

Mr Gove wants names included to give a full picture of extremism. But the Home Office is pushing for them to be redacted over fears the Government could be taken to court as the report would effectivel­y blame them for spreading Islamic extremism in Britain. The long-delayed review by Sir William Shawcross, a former Charity Commission chairman, was delivered to the Home Office at the end of April.

It is also expected to recommend a renewed focus on Islamist extremism as Prevent has been too focused on Rightwing extremism.

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