Daily Mail



MERCURY, planet of ideas and communicat­ion, begins its retrograda­tion today. Such backward motion in the skies is linked to misunderst­anding and gremlins in machines and is usually greeted with a groan. Yet, often the problems that arise already exist; they’re just being brought to our attention. With Mercury, Venus and Pluto close together, delving deeper into matters gives valuable insight that can guide us into 2023.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 SUPPOSE you’re running late for an appointmen­t. The road you want to take is closed, your sat-nav doesn’t have a signal and the car’s playing up. It seems you have no choice but to give up and accept that you can’t get to where you want to go. Is this bad news? Not necessaril­y. You might end up at a much better destinatio­n than the place you were originally intending to go. Something you don’t want to happen is happening. Yet it offers a possibilit­y that you’ll be glad of. Approach it positively and you’ll enjoy it! It should be a festive time. But if, for any reason, you need some guidance, call for good news: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 FLORENCE Nightingal­e has become such a symbol of selfless kindness and hard work that the power of her words has been obscured by the monumental scale of her image. Here’s what she said: ‘The martyr sacrifices themselves entirely in vain. Or rather not in vain; for they make the selfish more selfish, the lazy lazier, the narrow, narrower.’ It would be easy to play the role of martyr today — the demands being made on you are huge. Florence makes a powerful point. But you still don’t need to sacrifice your needs for anyone else’s today. Great news! For inspiring and encouragin­g news in the run-up to the new year, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 YOU deserve to be all that you have the potential to be. And you also have a courageous heart. So you absolutely have the tools in your armoury to cope with what’s coming your way. A situation that started off as an inspired and exciting enterprise has developed into a tricky scenario which is stretching your optimism to the limit. As your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde, it obliges you to look at vital issues and redefine your highest priority. If you honour that, then everything will work out perfectly. Have a wonderful holiday break. And if you’d like a positive perspectiv­e on what’s unfolding, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 WHATEVER you do, don’t be drawn down to someone else’s level or be tempted to abandon your high standards. The best approach when dealing with a source of irritation is to rise above it. That’s how you preserve your integrity. Obviously, that’s easier to say than to do. Especially when it feels like an aspect of your situation has been intentiona­lly designed to annoy you. Your buttons are being pushed. You can’t believe the ridiculous­ness of your circumstan­ces. Stay calm. Say what needs to be said. And focus on something else. Maximise your power as we approach the new year. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 WHEN you do what you always do, you get the result you always get. Which is fine — if that’s the result you want. Yet part of you hungers for change. And the only way to generate it is to instigate a change. And if you can’t alter the big factor you’d most like to alter? Then change whatever you can. Change your shampoo. Set your alarm to a different time. Eat something else for breakfast. And, while you’re at it, change your mindset. A lot of little changes will add up to one very big welcome change. Positive choices can reduce the festive pressure. For helpful advice to see you through this week, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 WHEN something stops working, there’s often a simple way to get it going again. When a light goes out, we just need to replace the bulb. Easy peasy. But it’s only easy because we know what to do. If it’s a problem with the plumbing, we immediatel­y anticipate the need for a team of plumbers — and they’re like gold dust! As your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde, don’t be fooled into thinking you need to find an expert, or a radical solution to the problem you’re dealing with today. If you think things through, you’ll know what to do. You’re doing better than you think. Do yourself a festive favour. Call me for your new week-ahead forecast, 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 WE CAN’T escape our shadow. Even if we can’t see it, it’s there — with us wherever we go. In psychology, there’s another meaning for the word ‘shadow’. It’s used to describe the darker side of our personalit­ies. Everyone has unreasonab­le emotions and hidden impulses that shape their attitudes. Either we accept the existence of our shadow and recognise the way it influences us, or we live in denial — and are startled by the problems we encounter. Today brings a helpful, important realisatio­n. Are you ready for a life-changing time? For your forecast from now until the new year, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 THERE’S nothing wrong with being dependent on something (or someone) as long as you feel good about whatever it is you’re depending on. Along the journey of life, everyone needs some support. The trick is to be aware of what we’re leaning on, and conscious of how it enables us. You’re currently swapping a precarious arrangemen­t for something that will be much more solid and reliable. In the process of transition, it’s necessary, for a brief moment, to be without either . . . which takes courage. But it will be well worth it. Lift your spirits. For four minutes of valuable insight guiding you through the festivitie­s, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S AS Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU reflect on the year that’s coming to an end, think about the challenges you’ve overcome. These don’t just reflect what you’ve achieved, but who you are and the positive mentality you’ve created and sustained. Even in the most trying of times, you’ve managed (for the most part) to stay upbeat and remain committed to your beliefs. You’ve striven to overcome difficulti­es in ways that have benefited those around you, too. With that in mind, the new year looks most promising. Give yourself an extra present: four minutes of priceless, accurate insight and support. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WHEN you spend your days writing astrologic­al forecasts, you start to notice patterns and trends. No one, for instance, seems to mind being told that their day is going to be full of challenges. It’s the optimistic prediction­s that draw negative feedback. Ill-judged. Irresponsi­ble. Unrealisti­c. How dare I raise people’s expectatio­ns only for reality to kick in? Yet, with Venus, the planet of good fortune, still in your sign, as we move towards the new year, good things really are coming your way. Just watch and see. If, for any reason, the season loses its sparkle, call for inspiring advice: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS NOTHING’S Jan 21 - Feb 19 worse than a backseat driver. They force their music on us. They provide unhelpful commentari­es on our driving and our decisions — and, when we arrive at our destinatio­n, they take the credit. You’re the one doing the driving. You’re in control. And you’d be fine without their interferen­ce! As Mercury turns retrograde, don’t allow an ill-informed outsider to influence you today. What reason do you have to doubt yourself? None. Be confident about your decisions — and take credit where it’s due. For some seasonal good cheer to see you through into the new year, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 WE SHOULD always remember to think before we act. That’s not so hard, is it? We’re smart enough to do that aren’t we? If we could only get our brains in gear, we should be able to circumvent issues before they arise, anticipate problems and set ourselves on the road to success. But we can’t guard against everything. Life surprises us. And the ability to respond spontaneou­sly makes it more interestin­g and more fun. So, don’t worry if you don’t have an answer yet. Know that your intuition is powerful. Trust it and all will be well. Need some good postChrist­mas news? Your festive forecast has joyful, positive tidings. Call 0906 751 5612.

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