Daily Mail



THE GOURMAND’S EGG: G: A COLLECTION OF STORIES & RECIPES by The Gourmand (Taschen £40, 288pp) TERMINATOR actor Arnold Schwarzene­gger er saw the funny side when he was egged during his run for Governor of California, , joking: ‘This guy owes me bacon.’ John Prescott, however, when egged at close range by a pro-hunting citizen of North Wales, punched him.

Poached, boiled, scrambled, fried or baked ked ... meringue, meringue soufflé soufflé, custard or mayonnaise ... eggs are versatile, and their alchemy is unique. We may take them for granted, but this book elevates them with beautiful images and stories, as well as recipes ranging from carbonara and Scotch eggs to shakshuka and quail’s eggs with caviar — there’s an egg for every occasion.

 ?? Picture: BOBBY DOHERTY ??

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