Daily Mail


No 9,373



1 To act prematurel­y (4,3,3) 6 Shellfish (6)

7 Very strong person (5)

9 Twice (6)

10 To take a seat (3)

11 Twelve o’clock midday (4)

14 Four-hoofed grazing animal (4)

15 Religious sister (3)

16 Astonished (6)

17 Common bacteria (1,4)

18 A small village (6)

20 A dessert (5,5)


1 Bird that is a member of the crow family (3)

2 Movement (6)

3 Pulsates (6)

4 High regard (6)

5 Untried (8)

6 Cannon or artillery (8)

8 Nudist (8)

9 Heavy fall of rain (8)

12 Condiment used in cuisines of the Middle East (6)

13 Whips (6)

14 Of the skin (6)

19 Islamic festival (3)

 ?? ??

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