Daily Mail


CHOOSE cryptic or quick, answers are the same. SOLUTIONS ON MONDAY



12 Fashionabl­e card

is appropriat­e (2,9)

13 Dapper pair with posh connection­s

principall­y in the Home Counties (6) 14 Val is excited by hotel,

being extravagan­t (6)

16 Rouse titled figure to seize

heart of opportunit­y (4)

17 Grub alone prepared

in part of pub (6,3)

18 Piece of advice when keeping

oddly ugly plant (5)

19 Outstandin­g source of satisfacti­on

getting subscripti­on (4)

20 Try again to resolve matter conserving energy before exercise (9)

22 Polite request to ignore page

in rental agreement (5)

23 Discard rubbish of ghettos (3,4,2)

27 Amy and Art are confused

about wide set of rails (7)

30 Kindly and intelligen­t leader?

Not altogether (6)

31 Aristocrat is almost

ahead of schedule (4)

32 Coarse bachelor departs

in awful way (5)

35 Ruffian is tough and

uncompromi­sing at the edges (4) 36 Chopping knife caught by

one departing (7)

38 Call suspect group (4)

39 Sensible body of officers

largely retaining appeal (7)

42 All troubled entering in this

way money for ski race (6)

45 One discontent­ed tourist

in party is likewise (5)

46 Tolerate dirty place as

animal enclosure (4,3)

47 Something negotiated

in Kent town (4)

48 Meat-based sauce partly

for a Guyanese (4)

50 Shortfall sadly cited about

grand prix racing (7)

52 One on a course, perhaps, after

losing pounds is menial type (5)

54 Small component I’d to obtain

after beginning of work (6)

56 Factory worker prepared

to get receiver (7)

57 Present is somewhat

pleasing if twee (4)

59 Area between stairs

for disembarka­tion (7)

61 Top wager about last of races (4)

64 Condemn English councillor

in case of dishonesty (5)

66 Suspend section of exchange (4)

67 Something done by rugby players to confront American in disturbanc­e (6)

69 Len and Gus possibly grabbing

ultimate in bedding lie cosily (7)

72 Harmony shown by one playing

musical instrument (9)

73 Pleasing set of musical

compositio­ns, we’re told (5)

74 A fuel cut unexpected­ly around

end of budget? It gets to vary (9)

79 Tease Jack, Oscar, Bob and Henry (4) 81 Pale like former English tennis

player (not half!) (5)

82 Party’s bit disorganis­ed in place

for holy immersion (9)

83 Tie left in front of tree (4)

85 Beautiful insect endlessly

fluttering by front of car (6)

86 Retired artist characteri­sed by

little warmth or enthusiasm (6)

87 Soon chatter haphazardl­y

regarding such a matter (2,4,5)


1 Tangle blocking park, noticeably (4)

2 Desire for a drink right in

this tavern’s front (6)

3 Screen in part of restaurant, it’s said (6)

4 Agent consuming cold drink, strong cider (7) 5 Condescend to revise editing after losing it (5)

6 In a fancy way, store wraps athletic clothing (10)

7 Place totally empty for fine cement (5) 8 Give total attention with rebel alas getting mobilised (2,3,4)

9 Fighter largely dishearten­ed

before old ceremonial event (7)

10 Enthusiast­ic French painter

needing no introducti­on (4)

11 Sort idea out to see rocky

celestial body (8)

15 Mind old boy on plane carrying

first of cases (6)

21 Shimmering heat enveloping

river and soil (5)

24 Silly oaf supported by Frenchman

in Germany? That’s agreed (2,1,4)

25 First signs of very exciting look

variously exploiting this soft fabric (6) 26 Woman’s upset in area

getting rupture (6)

28 Second almost unbridgeab­le

gap for tycoon (5)

29 Line that curves in rescue

vessel, we’re told (3)

33 Deflect teacher with authority

on holiday (4,3)

34 Kelvin with pained expression repeatedly about onset of trouble has to grovel (6)

37 Yorkshire cricketer acquires

second perch (5)

40 Vacuous way in which joke ends? (5)

41 Find fault with poor pub given initially robust support (7) 43 Camel-like animal housed in stall, amazingly (5)

44 Enrage Scottish actor (6) 46 Graduate has cake and ring-shaped roll (5)

49 Endure finale to game in

dilapidate­d ground (7)

51 Sticky piece placed in

recycling yard (6)

53 End of cooking having acquired

refined cheesy dish (6)

55 Remove faults from outer parts

of distinctiv­e listening device (5)

58 Recklessly spend having damaged

rowboat and hut (5,5) 60 Alcoholic spirit consumed in beginning (3) 62 Divided place found by institute in street (5) 63 Narrow chair pal broke when carrying round (9) 65 Conservati­ve swimmer following two directions gets to intrude (8) 68 Chilling look in turn shown in exterior of clergy (6) 70 Lend commercial delivery vehicle in front of church (7) 71 Group in British Columbia hugely discontent­ed getting discoloure­d (7) 75 Water-dwelling bird circling yard small beginning carnivore to (6) excite 76 A French timepiece missing front is open (6) 77 Des in ground is insinuatin­gly derogatory (5) 78 Huge Belgian takes bottles (5) 80 Go after former Health Secretary (4) 84 Part of the sea almost certain

to go over foot of cliff (4)


12 Appropriat­e (2,9) 13 Dapper (6)

14 Extravagan­t (6) 16 Arouse (4)

17 Part of

pub (6,3)

18 Plant (5)

19 Subscripti­on (4) 20 Try again (9)

22 Rental

agreement (5) 23 Discard (3,4,2)

27 Set of rails (7)

30 Mild (6)

31 Aristocrat (4)

32 Ribald (5)

35 Ruffian (4)

36 Chopping

knife (7)

38 Telephone (4)

39 Sensible (7)

42 Ski race (6)

45 Likewise (5) 46 Animal

enclosure (4,3)

47 Business

agreement (4)

48 Meat-based

sauce (4)

50 Shortfall (7)

52 Dogsbody (5)

54 Small

component (6)

56 Receiver (7)

57 Present (4)

59 Disembarka­tion (7) 61 Top (4)

64 Condemn (5)

66 Suspend (4)

67 Disturbanc­e (6)

69 Cosily lie (7)

72 Musical

instrument (9)

73 Sugary (5)

74 Vary (9)

79 Tease (4)

81 Pale (5) 82 Place for holy

immersion (9) 83 Scourge (4)

85 Beautiful (6)

86 Enthusiasm (6) 87 Regarding such

a matter (2,4,5)


1 Tangle (4)

2 Desire for

drink (6)

3 Screen (6)

4 Strong

cider (7)

5 Condescend (5) 6 Athletic

clothing (10)

7 Fine cement (5) 8 Give every

attention (2,3,4) 9 Ceremonial

flight (7) 10 Enthusiast­ic (4) 11 Rocky celestial

body (8)

15 Thing (6)

21 Soil (5)

24 Agreed (2,1,4) 25 A soft

fabric (6)

26 Rupture (6)

28 Magnate (5) 29 Curving

line (3)

33 Deflect (4,3)

34 Grovel (6)

37 Perch (5)

40 Vacuous (5)

41 Reprove (7)

43 Camel-like

animal (5)

44 Enrage (6)

46 Ring-shaped

roll (5)

49 Endure (7)

51 Sticky (6) 53 Cheesy

dish (6)

55 Remove faults

from (5)

58 Recklessly

spend (5,5)

60 Alcoholic

spirit (3)

62 Divide (5)

63 Narrow (9)

65 Intrude (8)

68 Chilling (6)

70 Lend (7)

71 Irregularl­y

discoloure­d (7)

75 Small carnivore related to the wolf (6)

76 Open (6)

77 Insinuatin­gly

derogatory (5)

78 Huge (5)

80 Search (4) 84 Sea foam (4)

 ?? ??

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