Daily Mail

I manage on a lot less


IT MAKES my blood boil when public sector workers earning £32,000 say they have to use food banks. What on earth are they doing with their earnings?

I am paid £19,571 a year yet I can manage my finances and don’t have to rely on others.

I enjoy a good lifestyle, eat healthy, home- cooked food and even donate to food banks.

Are people living beyond their means or is it the case that they feel entitled to everything?

Please leave the food banks for people who really need them — they are not for those I’d class as high earners.

Name supplied, Pembroke. MY LATE wife received great care when she was being treated for cancer, so I have every sympathy with nurses over pay.

But I find it hard to believe they can’t live on £32,000 a year. As a pensioner, I get a fraction of that, but eat well, pay my bills and run a car.

C. SMITH, Macclesfie­ld, Cheshire.

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