Daily Mail

A horror story? Unite knows all about those


As generAl secretary of the mighty Unite trade union, sharon graham is a key architect of the industrial action causing chaos across Britain.

graham, who represents ambulance workers set to join nurses on picket lines next month, has shrieked of the tories’ rule: ‘We are witnessing a horror story!’

Well, she knows all about those — starting with her union and its links to a large constructi­on project mired in corruption claims.

Unite’s accounts for 2021 are now six months late at the Certificat­ion Office.

normally, this could incur a £20,000 fine, yet the union will apparently be spared the levy.

Why? Well, it’s all thanks to an ongoing police investigat­ion into contracts awarded by Unite for the constructi­on of a 170bedroom hotel and conference centre near Birmingham.

In April, the offices of a senior Unite official were raided by police, who are investigat­ing allegation­s of bribery, fraud and money laundering in connection with the project.

An independen­t report, and another into external contracts, has uncovered ‘very serious concerns about potential criminalit­y’.

graham has given both reports to the police and the union’s auditors now say they can’t sign off Unite’s accounts until detectives have closed the investigat­ion.

the hotel cost £98 million to build, although reports suggest — and graham herself admits — that its true value may be a fraction of that.

As one senior tory said to me: ‘to think Unite has the cheek to accuse us of creating a “horror story”. talk about glass houses!’

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