Daily Mail



TRY this simple series of exercises to start weight training. You don’t need equipment, just focus on doing it all slowly and correctly. when it feels easy, increase the challenge with more repetition­s or by adding hand weights or resistance bands.

1. Plank shoulder taps

THIS exercise helps to build your shoulder, wrist and abdominal strength, as well as stamina. Stand 1.5m away from a kitchen surface and place your hands on the work top, shoulder width apart. Brace your body in a strong straight line from shoulder to heel. Pull your tummy in and lift one hand at a time, tapping the opposite shoulder. Don’t let your body twist.

Increase the difficulty by using a lower surface such as a chair seat, stepping your feet away to keep your straight line. As you get stronger, lower the incline until you can plank with your hands and feet on the floor.

2. Sumo squats

HELP to strengthen the powerful muscles of the buttocks and thighs, and increase flexibilit­y in the hips. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, toes turned out. Pull in your tummy muscles, tighten your buttocks and sink your bottom down, keeping your knees out wide and your back very straight, aiming to get your bottom in line with your knees. Keeping your buttock muscles clenched, rise back up to standing. Build the number and depth of your squats over time.

3. Dead bugs

THIS will strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, helping to improve balance and co-ordination. Lie on your back. Tighten your tummy muscles and flatten your back into the floor. Raise your legs and arms (in an upside down ‘all fours’).

Slowly and with control (do not allow your ribs to pop out or your back to arch), lower one heel to the floor and drop the opposite arm behind your head. Return to the starting position and switch sides.

When this feels too easy, try it with one leg straight, or lower all four limbs at once.

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