Daily Mail

Sorry Kate, that’s a flipping disaster!

- By Rebecca English Royal Editor

SHE has won praise for juggling her roles as a royal wife, mother and charity campaigner.

But the Princess of Wales has yet to master the art of juggling a pancake – as her efforts yesterday showed.

Kate, 41, tried her hand at whipping up a Shrove Tuesday treat at a care home. The royal said her three children were looking forward to making pancakes with her when they returned from school.

But, after examining her sorry effort, which looked like scrambled eggs, she joked: ‘I’m not sure they will want to now!’ The princess took on the challenge of making a pancake at a temporary kitchen in the conservato­ry. Head chef Anna Wright, 49, and other staff had already served up the delicious treat with whipped cream and fruit.

Kate told one resident at Oxford House in Slough, Berkshire: ‘My pancakes always stick to the pan or end up on the ceiling or on the floor! The first one is always the hardest to do.’

The princess was visiting the home in an effort to get to know the local community after moving to nearby Windsor. After putting batter in the pan, she started nudging the mixture with a spatula. She then flipped and caught it with the pan, but the end result did not look very appetising.

While she was cooking, the self-conscious princess laughed: ‘I wish there was some music playing or something! I am trying. That is not working. This is not going anywhere. I wish I could watch everyone else doing this. Maybe my children won’t want me to make pancakes with them when they come home from school now! This is very much how not to make a pancake!’

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