Daily Mail

Today’spoem A SIMPLE LIFE


We do go back a long, long way, 40 years or more, I started sending poems back in 1974.

I used to scribble little rhymes and send them to the Mail,

So pleased to see them printed, almost without fail.

I’m letting down my fan club. They both say: ‘Come on, Pat!

Don’t you write them any more or have you lost the knack?’ Perhaps I’m getting lazy. Or maybe it’s my age Though I read my paper regularly and scan the letters page.

Some folk enjoy the poems much to my surprise, And even write to tell me so — I’ve had some nice replies.

And so for Ann in Truro and for my walking friends I’m waiting for the muse to strike, and picking up my pen.

Yes, I am getting older, but I do still get around,

I still enjoy my country walks, though not such long ones now.

I take my dog out daily, he does enjoy a walk,

But really don’t go very far — his little legs, so short. I do enjoy his company, he always makes me smile, It’s good to be out in the open air to stretch our legs a while.

He likes to think he’s protecting me as leader of the pack Though not too great at obedience, at least he can’t talk back.

I watch a bit of TV; not much I must confess, Too much vulgar language and most of it’s a mess. I like the nature programmes and things like Countryfil­e,

Or maybe watch a movie and keep a low profile. So that’s it in a nutshell. Not really up to much, Never really interested in politics and such.

My life is sweet and simple and I wish you all the same. Enjoying all the best of health till you hear from me again.

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