Daily Mail

Shocked by Harry’s drug-taking claims

- MiChael J. Cole, Wolstanton, staffs.

I AM a strong supporter of the Royal family and have long thought that people should give Prince Harry a break — until his ‘honesty’ about using drugs including cannabis and how this has ‘helped’ him.

I wonder if he has taken a walk on the other side of Los Angeles? I was there a couple of weeks ago and was shocked to see so many homeless people high as a kite. Cannabis is legal in California for recreation­al use, which clearly exacerbate­s the problem. Beverly Hills oozes wealth, but on its doorstep is a tent city of the desperate. The fact Harry says cannabis helped his mental health does no favours to those who have succumbed to regular drug taking or youngsters thinking of trying it. Most won’t have the luxury of money to keep them out of tent city. ELAINE GOODWIN, Stoke-on-Trent, staffs.

I DON’T know which causes me most sadness: Harry’s belief in the curative power of hallucinog­enic drugs or his deluded belief that they have ‘cleaned the windscreen’ of his troubled mind.

RON HILL, Weymouth, Dorset.

JUST when you thought Prince Harry couldn’t get any more ridiculous, he bears his soul again on a TV show. It was bad enough showing his insensitiv­ity, ungallantr­y and the petulant side of his character in his book and interviews, but he now appears to be promoting drug, taking. What husband and father exploits his sexual experience­s in public? What does his wife think of it?

More importantl­y, what will his children think when they learn about this? No doubt their playground comrades will make much of it. I thought Meghan was media savvy so could she not see the fall-out from all of these revelation­s and the damage it would cause to their reputation­s? Or is it dollars over common sense?

We in Britain are tired of the endless whingeing and even the interest of the Americans is fading. Soon the media dollars will dry up and Harry and Meghan may have to count the cost of it all. The privacy they asked for has been lost and ignominy might be all that is left — how very sad.

 ?? ?? Honesty: The Duke of Sussex
Honesty: The Duke of Sussex

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