Daily Mail

Damning report exposes force’s failure to catch criminals and protect victims

- By Crime and Security Editor

THE Met Police has been failing victims for a decade – with the number of suspects caught halving while crime rates soar, new figures show.

Baroness Casey’s report reveals how the number of crimes being solved has slumped to eight per cent, down from 21 per cent of offences in 2012-13.

At the same time London has seen an explosion in violence and sexual offences, with crimes such as rape rocketing by as much as 244 per cent.

Figures published in the report show that over the last decade sanction detection rates – when a suspect is charged or faces a formal sanction – have plummeted in every type of crime. Since 2012-13 detection rate for offences of violence, drugs, robbery and hate crime have more than halved in the capital, and dropped by more than 75 per cent for domestic abuse, rape, and other sexual offences.

Yet overall levels of recorded crime in the capital are 12 per cent higher now compared with ten years ago.

Baroness Casey highlighte­d the force’s failure to tackle rape offending, with more than 9,000 attacks reported in 2022-23, up by 244 per cent from 2012-13.

In addition, nearly 16,000 other sexual offences were reported, which represents a 152 per cent increase over the period. Yet the number of rape cases being solved has collapsed from 24 per cent to just 6 per cent and detections of other sex offences have halved.

The peer also raised concerns about soaring rates of violence, up 90 per cent in a decade, while detections have dropped to just eight per cent of cases solved.

There was also a huge drop in the number of cases solved in other crimes.

Detection rates for drug offences, for example, fell from 91 per cent in 2012-13 to just 39 per cent in the twelve months to January this year.

Baroness Casey’s review also identified officers rushing to close cases to reduce workload, meaning a 999 call would result in ‘no further action’.

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