Daily Mail

So brave to speak up for our freedom


BArONESS Falkner, the chair of the Equality and Human rights commission, is facing a witch-hunt after she spoke out in support of women-only spaces such as hospital wards and toilets (Mail).

It’s no surprise that many politician­s are frightened to stand up for biological women’s rights. They risk being accused of transphobi­a for speaking common sense.

I agree with Sarah vine’s analysis of the wokerati. As well as the trans issue, Brexiteers who want to reduce the number of migrants entering our country risk being hounded out of their jobs by the Whitehall Blob for the flimsiest of reasons. I say to Suella Braverman, Baroness Falkner and

J. K. rowling, keep campaignin­g for what you believe in.

M. BARNES, Withernsea, E. Yorks. THANK you, Sarah vine, for a brilliant article defending freedom of speech. How desperatel­y we need women like Sarah and men to speak the truth courageous­ly against the pernicious ideologies that seek to silence any view but their own. Dr MIKE PRICE, Cheshire.

SArAH vINE is spot on: if your ideology is different from that of the woke mafia, you are in danger of being intimidate­d over what you believe. Freedom of expression is, indeed, a right and we should be able to debate any and every issue.

However, the tail is wagging the dog. The rights of the majority should be taken into account. We should not be berated by the few with an agenda.

HUGH MACLENNAN, Inverness. HOW can pressure groups be allowed to push people of experience and common sense out of their jobs? Whatever gender you identify as, you should use your common sense and show respect to others.

We need more understand­ing and kindness in public life.

L. STEVENSON, Horsham, W. Sussex. WHEN are we going to stand up against the wokes who are trying to change our country and thinking? It’s time our so-called leaders started to listen to the majority who voted them into government. JOHN PIBWORTH, Stone, Staffs.

WE ArE told we live in a democracy where free speech is a right yet when we dare to question the politicall­y correct view, we are castigated and, as Sarah vine said, lives are ruined. PAUL CRAIG, Wembley Park, Middlesex.

 ?? ?? Witch-hunt: Baroness Falkner
Witch-hunt: Baroness Falkner

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