Daily Mail

Eh-oh! There’s big trouble in Teletubbyl­and



FOLLOWING a spate of scandals, the future of the much-loved TV show Teletubbie­s is in doubt. in March, noo-noo, the cheery vacuum- cleaner, was forced to resign following a series of anonymous complaints from colleagues.

Some were offended that noonoo would only communicat­e with junior members of staff through a series of ‘disrespect­ful’ slurping and sucking noises. in an angry riposte on Twitter, noo-noo expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ at the show’s ‘toxic culture of bullying’, adding that ‘ behind my back, the other Teletubbie­s used to call me cruel and demeaning names like “naughty noo-noo”.’

Then in April, senior Teletubby MeMe was criticised for ‘ hogging the limelight’. An anonymous source told this column that ‘ on screen, you couldn’t meet a friendlier Teletubby, but the moment the cameras are off she just sits there scowling.’

Fa n s we r e further shocked when laa- laa, adored by millions for her curly antenna and smiley on- screen personalit­y, took to social media to distance herself from noo-noo.

laa-laa failed to refer to noonoo by name, but only as ‘an experience­d vacuum-cleaner with whom it has been my privilege to work’. Some felt that her sign-off wishing noo-noo ‘all the very best for the future, if you have one’ was not as supportive as it might have been.

For years, the Teletubbie­s enjoyed a cherished spot in the nation’s heart, brightenin­g the day for millions of viewers. Hosts Tinkywinky and laa-laa were particular favourites, seemingly capable of turning their hands to anything, from splashing in puddles to playing choo-choos. They regularly spoke of their admiration for each other.

But it has since emerged that all was not what it seemed. Front man Tinky-winky — who, with his purple costume and triangular antenna, rejoiced in his boy-next-door image — had for years pursued secret liaisons with a Teletubby office junior, Rumpy-Pumpy.

His censorious colleague oi- oi claimed that many senior Teletubbie­s were aware of his off- screen behaviour, but chose to turn a blind eye. ‘The atmosphere in Teletubbyl­and was toxic. we all lived in fear. Sometimes, the Sun Baby would refuse to come out at the end of a show, for fear of repercussi­ons.’

But Tinky-winky strongly denied these accusation­s. ‘it’s the same handful of people with a grudge against me or the show who seem to have the loudest voice,’ he said in a post on Twitter.

‘it was actually the best show to work on, with the best people. in all the years i worked there, there was no toxicity. Teletubbie­s is a wonderful, talented, kind, hardworkin­g family. Except, of course, for Tut-Tut and Tittle-Tattle and oi-oi — and let’s not forget BlahBlah the newsreader, not to mention the Sun Baby, who was always trying to elbow his way in . . .’

in an interview screened last night, veteran second- fiddle Teletubby Tut-Tut accused Tinkywinky of lying, and of ‘creating an atmosphere where people hated him. it’s a total cover-up. A lie unchalleng­ed becomes the truth — not on my watch it doesn’t, winky.’

Tut-Tut added that ‘everything on the show was geared towards making laa-laa and Tinky-winky happy . . . all i’m here to do is to speak for the little tubbies who haven’t got a voice . . . i’m speaking on behalf of them.’

He went on to claim Tinky-winky would often snap at the rabbits. it then emerged that the pair originally fell out after Tut-Tut’s wife Ding-Dong filed an official complaint against Tinky-winky after she was cut off mid-air by the presenter while explaining how the Tubby Custard Machine worked.

TUT- TUT, who now works for rival show Bellytutti­es, sponsored by a leading burger company, also hit out at laa-laa. ‘She doesn’t remember people’s names. She once even confused Daa-Daa with Baa. She likes to portray herself as the happy-golucky Teletubby, riding around on her pink scooter and blowing soap bubbles. But the moment the show was over, she’d pour the bubbles over an underling and ride the scooter over someone’s feet.’

The future of Teletubbie­s is in the balance. insiders think the only future for them is to rename themselves Telebaddie­s, start swearing and punching each other, and aim for the post-watershed slot previously occupied by Peaky Blinders.

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